Freebies, Tools, Resources & Ideas

Black Friday 2023 - WordPress Deals Only
WordPress 2023 Black Friday deals list to boost the success of your WordPress website.
How to fix Google Page Speed First Contentful Paint Error in WordPress
The First Contentful Paint delay in WordPress is often due to the lazy loading feature. Our goal is to disable lazy loading on the class of the image causing the issue, by simply adding a piece of code.
WordPress Plugins for Easy Digital Downloads Sales Pop Notifications
A list of Easy Digital Downloads extensions for displaying sales pop notifications.
How to fix WordPress fatal error cannot redeclare get_cli_args()
Quickly fix WordPress fatal error "cannot redeclare get_cli_args()", caused by class-wp-importer.
White Label Option for all of our WordPress Themes
White Label Option for all of our WordPress Themes, turn your clients websites into a business model.
What if someone sent you PayPal money to the wrong e-mail address?
Your client sent you the money to the wrong e-mail address. Here is the solution.
Mediumish - Free Jekyll Theme
Mediumish is a free Jekyll theme for blogging, Medium style, built with Bootstrap v4.x. Mediumish is compatible with Github pages and it is modern, clean and lightweight. Download Mediumish here.
How to make your Bootstrap menu responsive without bootstrap.js
Learn how to make your Bootstrap 5 menu responsive without bootstrap.js.